26th Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood Burhanuddin bin Maula Ajab Shah (R.A)

Date of 'Wafat'(Death) : 27th Rabi-Al-Akhar 997 AH.

Period of Dawat : 23 Years. Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Jalal Shamsuddin (R.A) was succeeded by Dai Al-Mutlaq Syedna Dawood bin Ajab Shah (R.A). Syedna Dawood (R.A) went to Yemen and was educated by Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin (R.A) himself. After returning to India, he stayed with and studied under Syedna Jalal(RA) who was Vaali at that time. Syedna Jalal eventually handed over the seat of Dawat to Syena Dawood(RA). During Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah's(R.A) tenure, Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) was his true confidant and aide in all affairs of Dawat.

There were four great Hudud(Propagators of the Faith) during this auspicious period: Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A)
Syedi Qazi Khan bin Amin Shah (Q.S) (Halwad)
Syedi Shaikhadam Safiyuddin (Q.S)- Ahmedabad
Syedi Aminji bin Jalal (Q.S)

Due to the 'fitnat'(subterfuge) started by Laeen Mohammed bin Tahir, it was unsafe for Syedna(RA) to stay in Ahmedabad. Syedna(RA) migrated to Kapadvanj, where the mumineen placed at his disposal their lives, their souls, and their wealth. He also visited a number of other villages where Laeen Jafar was constantly attacking the faith of the mumineen, Khambat being one of the cities. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) went there and propagated the Dawat of Ahl-e-Bayt (A.S). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) showed shanaat of Zuhur in Ahmedabad and other villages where Mumineen resided. Syedna Dawood(RA) instructed mumineen to assemble in masjids and fearlessly recite Azaan aloud.

Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah's era was known as the Golden era because formerly mumineen were abused - physically, verbally and called 'Rafzi'(Muslims who do not follow tenets of Islam as laid down by Prophet Mohammed[SAW])for following their Dai. It was only in this golden era that the persecution was stopped and existence of mumineen acknowledged and respected. Also, the banners of Dawat were raised in Sindh (i.e. Pakistan). Two persons from Hanafiyah sect, gave Misaaq to Moula and had the honour of receiving Ilm of Al-e-Mohammed (S.A). The chief of the Nizariyaa sect also gave 'Misaq'(acknowledged the righteousness of the Dai). Likewise the banners of Dawat fluttered high in Yemen also. The chosen Hudud had survived. Forts, which could not be conquered during the days of Zuhur, were eventually conquered during the tenure of Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A). The books of Duat Mutlaqeen, which were formerly confiscated, were returned. The auspiciousness of this golden era accounts for discovering, at the fort of Afeddah, Yemen, 'ziyaarats'(final resting place) of three Duat Mutlaqeen. They are :
11th Dai Syedna Ebrahim bin Al Hasan (R.A)
12th Dai Syedna Mohammed bin Hatim (R.A)
13th Dai Syedna Ali bin Ebrahim (R.A)

Syedi Khoj bin Malak (Q.S) mentioned in one of His 'Risa'alaa'(verses) that Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) accompanied by Mansus Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah (R.A) reached Umreth by bullock-cart. The pomp with which they entered Umreth can be gauged from the fact that twenty other bullock-carts followed Syedna's. Cannons were fired in salutation, to honour and celebrate his advent in the village. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) stayed at Shaikh Miyanji bin Taj's (Q.S) house. Hindus, Muslims, and members of other communities flocked to pay their respect to Syedna. All were amazed on observing the 'Noor'(radiance) emanating from Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A)'s countenance. The chief of the village came to pat respects to Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) and exclaimed "I saw Rasulullah (S.A) in my dream, my dream has come true, 'O Maula' your face closely resembles the holy face of the Rasulullah (S.A)". The chief behaved like a humble slave before Syedna. The Munafeqin were humiliated and the Mumineen were proud to see their Dai being treated thus.

Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) fell ill and predicted his own 'wafat'(day of death). The period of His 'Dawat' lasted for 23 years which is the same as that of the period of Dawat of Rasulullah (S.A). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) repeatedly conferred Nass upon Syedna Dawood bin QutubShah (R.A). Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) adhered to the will of Syedna Jalal (R.A) in respect of the trust deposited in Him. Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) renewed His Nass in the presence of Hudud on the 22nd of Rabi-Al-Akhar.

On the eve of 27th Rabi-Ul-Akhar in 997 AH, Syedna breathed his last. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (A.Q) refers to Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A) in a Risaalaa Sharifa as "Many miracles emanate from the 'Qabr'(tomb) Mubarak of Syedna Dawood bin Ajabshah (R.A.)". Mumineen inflicted with illness have been cured due to the barakaat of his ziyaarat. Syedi Khoj bin Malak (Q.S) asserts, "I did not have a son. I offered a Mannat that if Allah favours me with a son, I shall visit the Qabr Mubarak of Maulana Dawood (R.A.) and feed 1 mun (i.e. 40 Kgs.) of halwa to mumineen there. Allah favoured me with two sons."

Address Qutbi Mazaar

Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed Rd., Indurpura
Telephone 91-079-22202876
Facsimile 91-079-22203194


Mumbai 500 kms
Surat 275 kms
Jamnagar 325 kms
Ujjain 500 kms
Burhanpur 700 kms
Mandvi 460 kms
Taherabad 235 kms
Hasanphir 130 kms
Morbi 210 kms
Baroda 130 kms
Udaipur 225 kms
Ahmedabad is a centre for Gujarat and Kathiawad Ziyarat

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